My Path…


Our culture often dismisses grief, our fast paced society wants us to hurry up and be done with it. 

Grief is a part of life, it’s fluid, moving, changing and we must create time for our grief.  To be with the grief in our hearts, minds and bodies, to honor it and take dedicated time to let it move through us.  That is my intention and sacred honor to be with you in your grief, to listen, support and witness your story. 

In my own life I have experienced many different kinds of loss, divorce, miscarriages, jobs, as well as the death of my parents, father-in-law, friends and dearly loved family pets.  While caring for my dying father in 2014 I immersed myself in the terrain of death and dying, opening my head and heart to this new landscape.  In 2020 my mother died of Covid 19 and shortly after that I made the decision to become a Grief Educator. Grief has changed me and I am grateful to have dived into the all the emotions, with care and support.  The comfort and compassion that others have shared with me I want to offer to you.  To find your way to living fully, to honor that love, and live with love.